
Drupal vs. WordPress comparison

In the comparison of Drupal with WordPress, we’ll see how these two popular CMS choices are both similar and different. When comparing these, we’ll look at both the pros and cons that each come bundled with. Are you trying to decide between Drupal and WordPress? Let’s compare them, to see which ones meets your website and business requirements (both now and in the future). Which one is best: WordPress or Drupal? We’ll help you answer that by giving you the facts.

Drupal vs WordPress comparison: Who are they for?

Drupal like WordPress is an open source platform and tends to be used for large enterprise-level companies and for more complex projects. In comparing Drupal with WordPress, Drupal generally is not a platform that is well suited for beginners.

WordPress is the world’s most popular CMS. WordPress powers over 40% of all of the websites on the internet. WordPress is great for both small and large businesses and even companies like Disney, Sony, and Facebook are using WordPress for their website designs today. 

Drupal and WordPress comparison: Ease of use

Drupal is seen as a blank slate to build a beautiful and complex website. Over the years Drupal has been known for being more complicated to use, but developers of Drupal are working to make a change to make Drupal more accessible to all. Most Drupal themes, however, come highly custom-coded and can be difficult to work around.

In comparing Durpal and WordPress, WordPress is a CMS that is easy to set up and get functioning quickly. WordPress has a user-friendly interface that even beginners can get comfortable with in no time. With a vast library of plugins available as well you can expand your functionality. 

Drupal vs WordPress comparison: Design options

Drupal has a large bank of themes and options available along with customization options. 

In comparing Drupal with WordPress, WordPress offers more themes to get started with so that you can create any website that you’d like. 

Drupal vs WordPress comparison: Customization

Drupal has around 4,000 current modules that will work with their most updated version of their platform and around 250 themes that can be added to the site. The options here are not as vast as WordPress, however Drupal can be customized and built out to fit your needs. 

WordPress has an impressive number of plugins with over 40,000 available, users have so many options to customize their website and create functionality that works for their company. WordPress also has around 30,000 themes available so there are so many options to choose from. 

Drupal vs WordPress comparison: Ecommerce

Drupal Commerce powers more than 60,000 websites with online stores. This platform is great for small and large businesses. The Drupal Commerce platform also supports multiple languages, currencies and allows for additional integrations.

WordPress and the WooCommerce plugin the the most popular ecommerce platform and powers over 30% of the stores online. WooCommerce is great because it is easy to use, has great support, and offers a modern and clean dashboard.

Comparing Drupal with WordPress: Overview

Drupal is a capable system, but can be complicated and better for more advanced users. Drupal tends to be better suited for advanced developers and very large projects.

In comparing Drupal with WordPress, WordPress is a CMS that can be used by companies of all sizes and offers unlimited customization options. This platform is also a favorite because of its ease of use and how quickly someone can create a beautiful website.

If you are looking for a new WordPress website design, or you’re looking for a dedicated team to help you convert your website to WordPress, the team at FreshySites can help. Reach out to us today!

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