Choosing to build a WordPress website for your business is one of the best decisions you can make to help your brand grow and succeed. The next best decision is choosing…
If you care about your business, then caring about your website is essential. And, just as any parent would want the best possible for their child, business owners should always be…
Sometimes you’ll need/want to use custom Google fonts in your website build. Some developers may be embedding fonts using the @import method. Example, adding this to the top of the…
Most websites these days a non-www (or “naked”) domain. Meaning, the website’s URL in the address bar is simply instead of using the “subdomain” of Either way though, we need…
Here a pretty sweet site that convert Font Awesome icons (and a lot more different font icons) straight into PNG files here. You can enter the size, and color of the icon,…
I wrote some code that allows you to link a specific filter to the Filterable Portfolio Module. By default when you load the page, the “All” category is selected. This…
Wordfence and Graham Cluley have alerted us to a dangerous change in phishing attacks: phishing sites masking domain names. Please read on, and then share this important information with your network, so your…
We’ve put together a list of some of the best websites to find and download free stock photos online. Take a look below and see which one works the best…