Karina Lenartowicz
6 yrs 4 mos with Freshy
6 yrs WordPress experience

Karina Lenartowicz

Web Design Team Lead

I turn design mockups into functioning websites for clients to interact with and revise before launching.

Karina is a 2012 graduate from the State University of New York at Oswego where she received a BA in Art with Graphic Design emphasis. As a Syracuse-area native, she gained 4 years of web design agency experience before joining Freshy in early 2018 as a Web Designer. Karina has been intrigued by design ever since she designed a t-shirt for a middle school event. She loves seeing her creations “out in the wild” with no one the wiser on who designed it or how much time and thought went into it. In her free time you will find her reading, volunteering at the Humane Society, enjoying the Adirondacks and wine tasting.